Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cardboard Box Dreams and Baby Im Trying ;)

The exam week seems to stretchh onn and onn
since arts there my weeks the longest
im exhausted i wait for the weekend so i can finally catch up on sleep but even tht doesnt happen
so lemme think the weekdays i get 3hrs maximum sleep,,,including naps in the afternoon at chris's house and the art room
then in the weekends i get maybe,,,,7hrs which still isnt enuff right??!!
my brain moves and works weirdly
the main reason i stay up so late is cause my mind needs to relax for a while n it takes me 10minutes to figure out how to relax
then i do it for an hour
if i didnt have all these breaks then i could get more sleep
but less would go in my head so anything works i guess

napping at chris's place today
id read a few lines of half brothers n next thing i know im dreaming about cardboard boxess
then chris hits me n i wake up,,she says i was drooling n then she goes MICHAAELLL!!
since the summer i've been with chris so much
i went to her place at least once a week for a night or two in the summer
and we talked about crap
im  a regular at her place we chill and relax and go grocery shopping and be weird
the guard knows me really well lol
and we just chill,,,discuss how everything changed
and how pink sayfol looks frm her place
how we can hear the primary kids up in her room in the 15th floor
im not kidding we can hear them shouting AHHHHHHHHH
and miss kay on the mic PLS LINNEEE UPPP
and i can practically see whos who frm way up there

today school was deserted by 3'o'clock and thts messed up
empty and weird
i cant wait for lit n physics to be over
i have thursday and friday off so im finally gonna get all the sleep i could ever want
i'll be knocked out for hours i know it

back to studying
must start on village by the sea
hopefully be done in 2-3hrs cause i read slow
another all night study session
im getting used to it
its relaxing almost
if not for the impeding clock
thst a bit of a pain.....

1 comment:

sparkle dust said...

omg!!! same here...!!! only i dont sleep over at chris' and hear the primary kids screaming....